The cluster is maintained by the HPC-Team of ZIMT.

Feel free to contact us via mail if you don’t find the information you are looking for on our website. We also provide assistance concerning system usage, software installation and optimization.

Consultation hour details


E-mail in case of problems

If you have a problem with the cluster, please use the e-mail address If one of your jobs did not work, please attach the following files:

  1. The job script for the job that failed. The job script is the one you queued with sbatch.
  2. The Slurm logfile that contains the error. By default, this is a file named slurm-<Job ID Number>.out.

If you send your e-mail to this address, a support ticket will be generated in the ZIMT ticket system.


Head Daniel Harlacher
Adminstration, Support and Training Gerd Pokorra
HPC.NRW coordination Gerd Pokorra
EasyBuild Markus Becker
Student Workers Amir Thapa Magar

The University of Siegen is part of the North Rhine-Westphalian Competence Network for High Performance Computing HPC.NRW. This network offers a first point of contact and central advisory hub with a broad knowledge base for HPC users in NRW. In addition, the tier-2 centres offer uniform, structured access for HPC users of all universities in NRW, ensuring basic services are provided for locations without tier-3 centres and for Universities of Applied Sciences.

A network of thematic clusters for low-threshold training, consulting and coaching services has been created within the framework of HPC.NRW. The aim is to make effective and efficient use of high-performance computing and storage facilities and to support scientific researchers of all levels. The existing resources and services that the state has to offer are also presented in a transparent way.


The HPC Wiki is a portal for location-independent HPC documentation.

Here you can find specific information about data centers at different sites as well as general and site-independent information.

Aktualisiert um 19:32 am 22. May 2020 von Gerd Pokorra