Linaro Forge is now available

Linaro Forge, version 23.1.1, has been installed on the OMNI cluster. Users can access this module with the following command: $ module load debugger/linaro_forge For more details, please visit here. Information about TotalView has been moved to the new section “Debugger.”

GPU Sharding now available

Mit freundlichen Grüßen Ihr HPC-Support-Team Dear cluster users, GPU sharding is now available on the OMNI cluster. GPU sharding enables the parallel use of a GPU by multiple Slurm jobs, this allows a more efficient use of our GPU resources. Please check if the use of GPU Sharding is feasible for your computations. More information Read More

Intel oneAPI Toolkit Release 2023.1

The Intel oneAPI Base and HPC Toolkit versions 2022.02.0 and 2023.1 have been installed. $ module load oneapi

GCC-Compiler Version 12.2.0

The GCC-Compiler version 12.2.0 is now available on the OMNI, which replaces the GCC-Compiler version 11.2.1. To use GCC-Compiler version 12.2.0, it is necessary to load the module gnu12/12.2.0. $ module load gnu12/12.2.0 The GCC-Compiler version 11.2.1 will be removed on 01.05.2023. As the default compiler, version 9.3.0 is still loaded.

Groupspaces are now available

Dear Cluster Users, Groupspaces are now on available on the OMNI. Groupspaces are group folders for teams which are accessible from the login- and compute-nodes. Groupspaces will only be created on request of the team leader. More information regarding Groupspaces is available on our Website:

Webex video-conference system for HPC Consultation Hour

Dear Cluster users, the HPC consultation hour will take place via Webex video-conference system instead of the Zoom video-conference system starting from 28.03.2023. You can find more details about the Webex video-conference system in this link. Note: Refer Events page for updated information regarding the HPC consultation hour. Best Regards, Your HPC-Team

Energy-saving measures

Dear Cluster users, due to the current situation we turned off about 15 % of our compute-nodes as an energy-saving measure. We apologize for any inconveniences. Best Regards, Your HPC-Team

HPC workshop on Wednesday, 2022-11-09

Dear cluster users,   we would like to discuss the topic of High-Performance Computing (HPC) at the University of Siegen and the current and future challenges and possible fields of action with you as our customers. For this reason, we are offering you a workshop day on Wednesday, 09.11., from 2:00-4:00 pm. We would be delighted Read More

Announcement C++ introduction (German), weekly from October 17, 2022

The course is available to all students and employees. There is no prerequisite knowledge.

 Reminder: Survey about cluster use

We would like to remind you that our user survey will be open until September 30.

Aktualisiert um 16:39 am 19. February 2024 von Amir Thapa Magar