Ansys is a simulation software that comprises multiple modules for solving problems from various engineering disciplines. Examples for common modules include the Ansys module proper, which is a Finite-Element software for structural computations, as well as the Fluent module which is used for Computational Fluid Dynamics.
Caution: The module ansys
is visible to everyone on the cluster. However, since Ansys is not free of charge, it may not be used immediately by everyone. If you would like to use Ansys, your chair or institution needs to apply for Ansys use first. The details of how to do that are described (in German) on the ZIMT website here.
ZIMT owns 100 teaching and 10 research licenses, which may be used for teaching and research purposes respectively. If your lab wants to use Ansys but is not yet part of the licence holders, please contact
Installed Modules
Ansys 2019R3 and 2020R2
ANSYS, Inc. Products
Explicit Dynamics
Fluid Dynamics
CFD-Post only
CFX (includes CFD-Post)
Model Fuel Library (Encrypted)
Reaction Workbench
Fluent (includes CFD-Post)
Forte (2020R2 includes EnSight)
Polyflow (includes CFD-Post)
Offshore (only 2020R2)
Platform (only 2020R2)
Structural Mechanics
Customization Files for User Programmable Features
Mechanical Products
ANSYS Additional Tools
DCS (Distributed Compute Services)
Icepak (includes CFD-Post)
Remote Solve Manager Standalone Services
ANSYS Geometry Interfaces (only 2019R3)
ACIS Geometry Interface
Catia, Version 5 Geometry Interface
NX Geometry Interface
Parasolid Geometry Interface
Ansys 2023R2
Version 2023R2 provides only the Ansys Electromagnetics Suite, because of its slurm scheduler integration.
Usage of the graphical interface ansysedt
for project preparation and job submission is not recommendeded due to slow interaction and missing OpenGL support. We advise using AnsysEDT in batch mode with slurm to directly run your prepared simulations on the compute nodes. Be aware that projects may be opened only one time. Use separate folders in order to run multiple simulations concurrently.
Important: Ansys has to use it’s own MPI version, in order to do so you have add the batchoption: 'HFSS/MPIVersion'='2021'
Example for a job script with ansysedt
#SBATCH --time=0:30:00
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks=4
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=4
#SBATCH --partition=short
module load ansys/2023R2
ansysedt -distributed -machinelist numcores=32 -auto NumDistributedVariations=32 -monitor -ng -batchoptions " 'HFSS/RAMLimitPercent'='90' 'HFSS/MPIVersion'='2021' " -useElectronicsPPE -batchsolve <projekt>.aedt