Dear cluster users,
our new cluster needs a name. Therefore we are asking for your help: send us your best ideas on how the new cluster should be called.
The name should express the following:
- The variety of architectures (CPU, GPU etc.)
- The variety of applications (HPC, Data Science, Machine Learning, Worldwide LHC Computing Grid)
- The variety of users
- Engineers
- Natural Scientists
- Scientists in the humanities
- That the cluster belongs to the (entire) Uni Siegen
The name should be short and succinct. It can be German or English, but should be pronouncable in both languages. It can be an acronym like HoRUS (Hochleistungsrechner Uni Siegen), but does not have to be one.
Please send your submissions to until May 15, 2020. We will select a favorite from the submissions. The winner will receive a small prize. We reserve the right not to select any of the submissions.
Best regards
Your HPC Team