Dear cluster users,

this news message is intended to give an overview over the many possibilities you have for training courses about HPC and related topics. There are multiple courses offered both by ZIMT and others available to you – most of them for free.

  • First of all, we offer our own courses for you every semester, alternating betwen German and English. Our Cluster Introduction Course is particularly of note, as we highly recommend that every one of our users attend this course at least once. There are other, for example about Linux and starting next semester there will be one about MATLAB. You can find information on the Training page of our website.
  • In addition, we will offer courses by invited external trainers, which will also be announced on the website and this mailing list.
  • In addition to ZIMT, several institutes of Uni Siegen offer classes concerning scientific computing. One example is the chair of Simulation and Scientific Computing, belonging to the Mechanical Engineering department, with courses like “Introduction to Programming with Python”, also available in German as an online class in Moodle. Do you know other lectures which you think might be interesting to the Siegen HPC community (e.g. about programming, MATLAB or Software Engineering)? Tell us:
  • As an NRW-wide effort, the HPC Wiki has been established, offering a steadily growing pool of information related to HPC. We will increase the information concerning Siegen-specific topics in the near future.
  • We would also like to point out the HPC Calendar of the association of HPC Centers in Germany (Gauss Alliance), which is embedded into our website as well. You can find information on courses throughout Germany there. These trainings usually do not take place at Uni Siegen, but for members of German universities they are often cheap or even free. Registration for these events is of course handled by the respective university or institution.
  • If you are not sure what kind of training is right for you, just ask us:

Best regards
Your HPC Team

Aktualisiert um 16:06 am 20. February 2020 von Gerd Pokorra.