Liebe Cluster-Nutzerinnen und -Nutzer,
wegen des großen Interesses am letzten Julia-Workshop wird es einen zweiten Termin geben. Aus der untenstehenden Ankündigung erfahren Sie alle Details.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Ihr HPC-Team
We would like to invite you to the Julia Workshop, 22-24 of June 2021, organized by the competence network HPC.NRW and Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing (PC²).
Julia is a new and exciting language for scientific computing, data analysis and many other purposes.
The Julia Workshop is suitable for beginners and intermediates. The only prerequisites are a strong interest to dive into Julia and basic knowledge in any programming language.
The event includes Hands-on and Q&A sessions. Details about the topics covered and the registration can be found at:
The number of seats is limited and the allocation of seats is done by the HPC.NRW member universities. The course is free of cost for members of German universities or publicly-funded research institutions in Germany.
We would be happy if you could forward this announcement to potentially interested students or colleagues.
Best Wishes
The competence network for high-performance computing in NRW: HPC.NRW