Liebe Cluster-Nutzerinnen und-Nutzer,

in Zusammenarbeit mit den anderen HPC-Zentren in NRW freuen wir uns, Ihnen den untenstehenden Julia-Kurs anbieten zu können. Zur Anmeldung folgen Sie einfach dem Link.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Ihr HPC-Team

Dear Sir or Madam,
we would like to invite you to the Julia Workshop, 2nd-4th of March, organized by the competence network HPC.NRW and Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing (PC²).
Julia is a new and exciting language for scientific computing, data analysis and many other purposes.
The Julia Workshop is suitable for beginners and intermediates. The only prerequisites are a strong interest to dive into Julia and basic knowledge in any programming language.
The event includes Hands-on and Q&A sessions. The course will take place online.

There is an optional session on the day before the course (March 1) at 2 PM, where you can get help with installing Julia on your computer.
Details about the topics covered and the registration can be found at:

The number of seats is limited and the allocation of seats is done in a first-come-first-serve model.
The course is free of cost for members of German universities or publicly-funded research institutions in Germany

We would be happy if you could forward this announcement to potentially interested students or colleagues.

Best Wishes
The competence hetwork for high-performance computing in NRW: HPC.NRW

Aktualisiert um 14:28 am 2. Februar 2021 von Gerd Pokorra.